Balkan Dance Platform is an international dance platform that provides dance and performative opportunities in wider region. All the performances were created in different countries and artistic residencies happened in Slovenia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Project toured in all the EX YU countries and been invited to the main dance festivals in region. Main producer of BDP is Festival Velenje with partners, coproducers; Institute for contemporary dance Belgrade, Professional Association of ballet dancers, choreographers and pedagogues from Serbia and organisation for promotion and affirmation of contemporary dance in Bosnia and Herzegovina; Živimo Balet.
Executive producer
Barbara Pokorny- general director of Festival Velenje
Silvija Pirtovšek- producer of Festival Velenje and executive producer of BDP
Co-producer and Serbian partner
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Tomašević
Co-producer and BIH partner
Nataša Hajdarević- executive producer of BDP for Bosnia and Herzegovina
Co-producer and Serbian partner